中医 发表于 2018-12-16 17:17:02


<br> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3">
                      <td width="46%" height="25">
                        <strong><span class="style30">作者</span>:</strong>徐国成
                      <td height="25">
                        <strong><span class="style30">出版社</span>:</strong>辽宁科学技术出版社
                      <td height="25">
                        <strong><span class="style30">书籍分类</span>:</strong>中医针灸</td>
                      <td height="25">
                        <strong><span class="style30">文件大小</span>:</strong>65.1 MB</td>
                      <td height="25">
                        <strong><span class="style30">文件格式</span>:</strong>pdf</td>
                      <td height="25">
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                        <strong><span class="style30">上传时间</span>:</strong>1970-01-01</td>
                      <td><p>《实用人体腧穴解剖图谱》共收录了十四经穴361个,以及经外奇穴46个,采用国际标准穴名进行标注。从表面解剖、局部解剖及断面解剖等多角度对穴位局部的皮肤、肌肉、血管、神经和骨骼等进行了剖析,阐明了穴位的位置及其与周围组织器官的关系。对于部位深且邻近人体重要生命脏器的特殊穴位,采用了更为直观的穴位所在部位的冠状、矢状和水平断面图,准确地将其呈现给读者,使之一目了然。配合书中提供的人体腧穴一览表,可以清晰地了解每个穴位的名称、国际标准穴名、归经、定位、功效、主治、刺法及注意事项等。《实用人体腧穴解剖图谱》以《汉英中医药学辞典》为依据,力争做到国际标准穴名的规范统一。 《实用人体腧穴解剖图谱》的出版发行,将为学习针灸、推拿者更快更准确地掌握穴位的定位、主治及其特殊部位的刺灸法,提供了一部实用性更强的教材。</p><br />
<p>1.常用骨度分寸示意图(前面)<br/><br />
Illustration of commonly&mdash;used bone-length measurement(anterior aspect)<br/><br />
2.常用骨度分寸示意图(后面)<br/><br />
Illustration of commonly&mdash;used bone&mdash;length measurement(posterior aspect)<br/><br />
3.常用骨度分寸示意图(侧面)<br/><br />
Illustration of commonly&mdash;&mdash;used bone&mdash;&mdash;length measurement(1ateral aspect)<br/><br />
4.头面颈部的皮肤与腧穴(前面)<br/><br />
Skins and acupoints on the head,face and neck(anterior aspect)<br/><br />
5.任脉廉泉穴定位<br/><br />
Location for Lianquan。CV23)from the conception vessel<br/><br />
6.督脉龈交穴与口腔内的经外奇穴定位<br/><br />
Locations for Yinjiao(GV28)from the governor vessel and extraordinary acupoints in mouth cavity<br/><br />
7.经外奇穴聚泉穴定位<br/><br />
Location for Juquan(EX&mdash;HNIO)from the extraordinary acupoint<br/><br />
8.头面颈部的肌肉与腧穴(前面)<br/><br />
Mules and acupoints on the head face and neck(anterior aspect)<br/><br />
9.头面颈部的血管、神经与腧穴(前面)<br/><br />
Blood vessels,nerves and acupoints on the head, face and neck(anterior aspect)<br/><br />
10.头面颈部的骨骼与腧穴(前面)<br/><br />
Skeletons and acupoin~on the head,face and neck(anterior aspect)<br/><br />
11.头颈部的皮肤与腧穴(后面)<br/><br />
Skins and acupoints on the head and neck(poaerior aspect)<br/><br />
12.经外奇穴四神聪穴定位<br/><br />
Locations for Sishencong(EX&mdash;HNl)from the extraordinary acupoint<br/><br />
13.头颈部的肌肉与腧穴(后面)<br/><br />
Mules and acupoints。on the head and neck(posterior aspect)<br/><br />
14.头颈部的血管、神经与腧穴(后面)<br/><br />
Blood vessels,nerves and acupoints on the head and neck(posterior aspect)<br/><br />
15.头颈部的骨骼与腧穴(后面)<br/><br />
Skeletons and acupoints on the head and neck fposterior aspect)<br/><br />
16.头面颈部的皮肤与腧穴(侧面)<br/><br />
Skins and acupoints on the head face and neck(1ateral aspect)<br/><br />
17.经外奇穴内迎香穴定位<br/><br />
Location for Neiyingxiang(EX&mdash;HN9)from theextraordinary acupoint<br/><br />
18.头面颈部的肌肉与腧穴(侧面)<br/><br />
Muscles and acupoints on the head face and neck(1ateral aspect)<br/><br />
19.头面颈部的血管、神经与腧穴(侧面)<br/><br />
Blood vessels,nerves and acupoints on the head,face and neck(1ateral aspect)<br/><br />
20.头面颈部的骨骼与腧穴(侧面)<br/><br />
Skeletons and acupoints on the head,face and neck(1ateral aspect)<br/><br />
21.任脉、督脉头部经穴图<br/><br />
Head acupoints on the conception vessel and governor vessel<br/><br />
22.百会穴、脑户穴矢状切面<br/><br />
Sagial section of Baihui(GV20)and Naohu(GVl7)<br/><br />
23.承泣穴、四白穴矢状切面<br/><br />
Sagittal section of Chengqi(STl)and Sibai(ST2)<br/><br />
24.睛明穴横切面<br/><br />
Transverse section of Jingming(BLl)<br/><br />
25.球后穴、翳风穴横切面<br/><br />
Transverse section of Qiuhou(EX~HN7)and Yifeng(TEl7)<br/><br />
26.听宫穴横切面<br/><br />
Transverse section of Tinggong(S119)<br/><br />
27.耳门穴横切面<br/><br />
Transverse section of Ermen(TE21)<br/><br />
28.风池穴横切面<br/><br />
Transverse section of Fengchi(GB20)<br/><br />
29.哑门穴、风府穴矢状切面<br/><br />
Sagittal section of Yamen(GNl5)and Fengfu(GVl6)<br/><br />
30.廉泉穴矢状切面<br/><br />
Sagittal section of Lianquan fCV23)<br/><br />
31.人迎穴、扶突穴横切面<br/><br />
Transverse section of Renying(ST9)and Futu(L118)<br/><br />
32.天鼎穴横切面<br/><br />
Transverse section of Tianding(L117)<br/><br />
33.躯干部的皮肤与腧穴(前面)<br/><br />
Skins and acupoints on the trunk(anterior aspect)<br/><br />
34.任脉会阴穴定位<br/><br />
Location for Huiyin(CVl)from the conception vesser<br/><br />
35.躯干部的肌肉与腧穴(前面)<br/><br />
Muscles and acupoints on the trunk(anterior aspect)<br/><br />
36.躯干部的血管、神经与腧穴(前面)<br/><br />
Blood vessels,nerves and acupoints on the trunk(anterior aspect)<br/><br />
37.躯干部的脏器与腧穴(前面)<br/><br />
Organs and acupoints on the trunk(anterior aspect)<br/><br />
38.躯干部的骨骼与腧穴(前面)<br/><br />
Skeletons and acupoints on the trunk(anterior aspect)<br/><br />
39.躯干部的皮肤与腧穴(后面)<br/><br />
Skins and acupoints on the trunk(posterior aspect)<br/><br />
40.躯干部的肌肉与腧穴(后面)<br/><br />
Muscles and acupoints on the trunk(posterior aspect)<br/><br />
41.躯干部的血管、神经与腧穴(后面)<br/><br />
Blood vessels,nerves and acupoints on the trunk(posterior aspect)<br/><br />
42.躯干部的脏器与腧穴(后面)<br/><br />
Organs and acupoints on the trunk(posterior aspect)<br/><br />
43.躯干部的骨骼与腧穴(后面)<br/><br />
Skeletons and acupoin~on the trunk(posterior aspect)<br/><br />
44.躯干部的皮肤与腧穴(侧面)<br/><br />
Skins and acupoints on the trunk(1ateral aspect)<br/><br />
45.躯干部的肌肉与腧穴(侧面)<br/><br />
Muscles and acupoints on the trunk(1ateral aspect)<br/><br />
46.躯干部的血管、神经与腧穴(侧面)<br/><br />
Blood vessels,nerves and acupoints on the trunk(1ateral aspect)<br/><br />
47.躯干部的脏器与腧穴(侧面)<br/><br />
Organs and acupoints on the trunk(1ateral aspect)<br/><br />
48.躯干部的骨骼与腧穴(侧面)<br/><br />
Skeletons and acupoints on the trunk(1ateral aspect)<br/><br />
49.任脉、督脉颈、躯干部经穴图<br/><br />
Neck and trunk acupoints on the conception vessel and governor vesser<br/><br />
50.足少阴肾经腹部经穴图(前正中线旁开0.5寸)<br/><br />
Abdomen acupoints on KI.0.5cun lateral to the anterior midline<br/><br />
51.足少阴肾经、足阳明胃经经穴图(前正中线旁开2寸)<br/><br />
Acupoints on KI and ST.2cun lateral to the anterior midline<br/><br />
52.足阳明胃经、足太阴脾经经穴图(前正中线旁开4寸)<br/><br />
Acupoints on ST and SP.4cun lateral to the anterior midline<br/><br />
53.足太阳膀胱经经穴图I(后正中线旁开1.5寸)<br/><br />
Acupoints on BL I.1.5cun lateral to the posterior midline<br/><br />
54.足太阳膀胱经经穴图Ⅱ(后正中线旁开3寸)<br/><br />
Acupoints on BL II.3cun lateral to the posterior midline<br/><br />
55.肩井穴矢状切面<br/><br />
Sagittal section of Jianjing(GB21)<br/><br />
56.中府穴、云门穴矢状切面<br/><br />
Sagittal section of Zhongfu(LUl)and Yunmen(LU2)<br/><br />
57.缺盆穴、气户穴、库房穴矢状切面<br/><br />
Sagittal section of Quepen(STl2),Qihu(STl3)and Kufang(ST14)<br/><br />
58.璇玑穴、天突穴矢状切面<br/><br />
Sagittal section of Xuanji(CV21)and Tiantu(CV22)<br/><br />
59.膻中穴矢状切面<br/><br />
Sagittal section of Danzhong fCVl7)<br/><br />
60.鸠尾穴、中庭穴矢状切面<br/><br />
Sagittal section of Jiuwei(CVl5)and Zhongting(CVl6)<br/><br />
61.步廊穴、神封穴、灵墟穴矢状切面<br/><br />
Sagittal section of Bulang(K122)<br/><br />
Shenfeng(K123)and Lingxu(K124)<br/><br />
62.日月穴、巨阙穴横切面<br/><br />
Transverse section of Riyue(GB24)and Juque(CVl4)<br/><br />
63.渊腋穴、大包穴矢状切面<br/><br />
Sagittal section of Yuanye(GB22)and Dabao(SP21)<br/><br />
64.期门穴横切面<br/><br />
Transverse section of Qimen(LRl4)<br/><br />
65.京门穴横切面<br/><br />
Transverse section of Jingmen(GB25)<br/><br />
66.章门穴横切面<br/><br />
Transverse section of Zhangmen(LRl3)<br/><br />
67.曲骨穴、中极穴矢状切面<br/><br />
Sagittal section of Qugu(CV2)and ZhonNi(CV3)<br/><br />
68.陶道穴、大椎穴矢状切面<br/><br />
Sagittal section of Taodao(GVl3)and Dazhui(GVl4)<br/><br />
69.大杼穴、风门穴、肺俞穴矢状切面<br/><br />
Sagittal section of Dazhu(BL11),Fengmen(BLl2)and Feishu(BL13)<br/><br />
70.厥阴俞穴、心俞穴、膈俞穴矢状切面<br/><br />
Sagittal section of Jueyinshu(BLl4),Xinshu(BLl5)and Geshu(BL17)<br/><br />
71.上肢的皮肤与腧穴(前面)<br/><br />
Skins and acupoints on the upper extremity(anterior aspect)<br/><br />
72.手少阴心经极泉穴的定位<br/><br />
Location for Jiquan(HTl)from the heart meridian of hand&mdash;shaoyin<br/><br />
73.上肢的肌肉与腧穴(前面)<br/><br />
Muscles and acupoints on the upper extremity(anterior aspect)<br/><br />
74.上肢的血管、神经与腧穴(前面)<br/><br />
Blood vessels,nerves and acupoints on the upper extremity(anterior aspect)<br/><br />
75.上肢的骨骼与腧穴(前面)<br/><br />
Skeletons and acupoin~on the upper extremity(anterior aspect)<br/><br />
76.上肢的皮肤与腧穴(后面)<br/><br />
Skins and acupoints on the upper extremity(posterior aspect)<br/><br />
77.上肢的肌肉与腧穴(后面)<br/><br />
Muscles and acupointS on the upper extrernity(posterior aspect)<br/><br />
78.上肢的血管、神经与腧穴(后面)<br/><br />
Blood vessels,nerves and acupoints on the upper extremity(posterior aspect)<br/><br />
79.上肢的骨骼与腧穴(后面)<br/><br />
Skeletons and acupoints on the upper extremity(posterior aspect)<br/><br />
80.上肢的皮肤与腧穴(侧位)<br/><br />
Skins and acupoints on the upper extremity (lateral aspect)<br/><br />
81.上肢的肌肉与腧穴(侧面)<br/><br />
Muscles and acupoints on the upper extremity(1ateral aspect)<br/><br />
82.上肢的血管、神经与腧穴(侧面)<br/><br />
Blood vessels,nerves and acupoints on the upper extremity(1ateral aspect)<br/><br />
83.上肢的骨骼与腧穴(侧面)<br/><br />
Skeletons and acupoints on the upper extremity flateral aspect)<br/><br />
84.左尺泽穴横切面<br/><br />
Transverse section of Chize(LU5,left)<br/><br />
85.下肢的皮肤与腧穴(前面)<br/><br />
Skins and acupoints on the lower extremity(anterior aspect)<br/><br />
86.足少阴肾经涌泉穴与经外奇穴独阴的定位<br/><br />
Locations for Yongquan(K11)from KI and Duyin(EX&mdash;LEll)from the extraordinary acupoint<br/><br />
87.下肢的肌肉与腧穴(前面)<br/><br />
Muscles and acupoints on the lower extremity(anterior aspect)<br/><br />
88.下肢的血管、神经与腧穴(前面)<br/><br />
Blood vessels,nerves and acupoints on the lower extremity(anterior aspectl<br/><br />
89.下肢的骨骼与腧穴(前面)<br/><br />
Skel~ons and acupoints on the lower extremity fanterior aspect)<br/><br />
90.下肢的皮肤与腧穴(后面)<br/><br />
Skins and acupoints on the lower extremity rposterior aspect)<br/><br />
91.下肢的肌肉与腧穴(后面)<br/><br />
Muscles and acupoints on the lower extremity(posterior aspect)<br/><br />
92.下肢的血管、神经与腧穴(后面)<br/><br />
Blood vessels,nerves and acupoints on the lower extremity(posterior aspect)<br/><br />
93.下肢的骨骼与腧穴(后面)<br/><br />
Skeletons and acupoints on the lower extremity (posterior aspect)<br/><br />
94.下肢的皮肤与腧穴(外侧面)<br/><br />
Skins and acupoin~on the lower extremity(lateral aspect)<br/><br />
95.下肢的肌肉与腧穴(外侧面)<br/><br />
Muscles and acupoints on the lower extremity(1ateral aspect)<br/><br />
96.下肢的血管、神经与腧穴(外侧面)<br/><br />
Blood vessels,nerves and acupoints on the lower extremity(1ateral aspect)<br/><br />
97.下肢的骨骼与腧穴(外侧面)<br/><br />
Skeletons and acupoints on the lower extremity(1ateral asDect)<br/><br />
98.下肢的皮肤与腧穴(内侧面)<br/><br />
Skins and acupoints on the lower extremity(medial aspect)<br/><br />
99.下肢的肌肉与腧穴(内侧面)<br/><br />
Muscles and acupoints on the lower extremity(medial aspect)<br/><br />
100.下肢的血管、神经与腧穴(内侧面)<br/><br />
Blood vessels,nerves and acupoints on the lower extremity(medial aspect)<br/><br />
101.下肢的骨骼与腧穴(内侧面)<br/><br />
Skeletons and acupoints on the lower extremity(medial aspect)<br/><br />
102.环跳穴横切面<br/><br />
Transverse section of Huantiao(GB30)<br/><br />
103.左委阳穴、委中穴横切面<br/><br />
Transverse section of Weiyang(BL39,left)and Weizhong(BL40,left)<br/><br />
常用骨度分寸表<br/><br />
The table of standards for commonly-used bone-length measurement(curt)<br/><br />
人体腧穴一览表<br/><br />
The table of acupoints on the human body<br/><br />
手太阴肺经腧穴<br/><br />
Acupoints on the lung meridian of hand&mdash;&mdash;taiyin<br/><br />
手厥阴心包经腧穴<br/><br />
Acupoints on the pericardium meridian of hand_jueyin<br/><br />
手少阴心经腧穴<br/><br />
Acupoints on the heart meridian of hand&mdash;shaOvin<br/><br />
手阳明大肠经腧穴<br/><br />
Acupoints on the large intestine meridian of hand&mdash;&mdash;yangming<br/><br />
手少阳三焦经腧穴<br/><br />
Acupoints on the triple energizer meridian of hand-shaoyang<br/><br />
手太阳小肠经腧穴<br/><br />
Acupoints on the small intestine meridian of hand&mdash;taiyang<br/><br />
足阳明胃经腧穴<br/><br />
Acupoints on the stomach meridian of foot-yangming<br/><br />
足少阳胆经腧穴<br/><br />
Acupoints on the gallbladder meridian of fOOt&mdash;shaOyang<br/><br />
足太阳膀胱经腧穴<br/><br />
Acupoints on the bladder meridian of fOOt&mdash;taiyang<br/><br />
足太阴脾经腧穴<br/><br />
Acupoints on the spleen meridian of foot-taiyin<br/><br />
足厥阴肝经腧穴<br/><br />
Acupoints on the liver meridian of foot-jueyin<br/><br />
足少阴肾经腧穴<br/><br />
Acupoints on the kidney meridian of foot-shaoyin<br/><br />
督脉腧穴<br/><br />
Acupoints on the governor vessel<br/><br />
任脉腧穴<br/><br />
Acupoints on the conception vessel<br/><br />
常用经外奇穴<br/><br />
Commonly-used extraordinary acupoints<br/><br />
**** Hidden Message *****

邱志亮 发表于 2022-1-22 21:04:03


大道大道至简 发表于 2022-1-30 04:55:48


大道大道至简 发表于 2022-1-30 04:57:25


杏林新叶 发表于 2022-3-8 01:59:08


bisheng314 发表于 2022-3-8 06:37:45


武林猛主 发表于 2023-2-18 10:36:32

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查看完整版本: [中医书籍]实用人体腧穴解剖图谱